
G.T. Road, Village Kahlwan
Kartarpur P.O. Jalandhar-144 801

Landline : 01812782832
Mobile : 9877240288

Manager Message

Lord lead us to the path of enlightment.  Lead us from ignorance to bliss. Let our Francian family bliss receive all your Grace and shine. We truly acknowledge your wisdom, greatness and supreme sovereignty. 

Lord your divine providence be cure guiding light. 

With the name of We our seraphic father we enter the new scholastic year 2023-2024. We promise to provide quality education that empowers our vision to develop child centric, balanced and structured curriculum, our soul focus will be on reaching single child's specific need. This fantastic custodian infrastructure has well co-ordinated. system that has organically assimilated values and tech revolution. 

I would like to prioritize safety of every child, ensure that each child is morally upright, socially concerned, psychologically mature and intellectually well informed to serve society and nation in best possible ways. 

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